


yours are the sweetest eyes i've ever seen

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 22.10.2012 01:09


1.) relationship Status: single
2.) full name: maija estella muuriaisniemi
3.) family members: mum, dad & lilbro
4.) my birthday: 7.7
5.) best friend: pauliina järvi 1
6.) best memory: last summer :)
7.) worst memory: ummm.. can't tell that but hmm actually whole last spring was pretty bad.
8.) current mood: exhausted
9.) 3 things i love: friends, family and him
10.) 3 things i hate: selfish ppl, cheating and sadness
11.) what am i allergic to: earrings :D:D:Dd
12.) favourite food: idk
13.) what do i love most about myself: let's be clear. i don't love anything about myself but if i have to say one thing..... it would be my piercing :D
14.) what do i hate most about myself: face
15.) last person i texted: enni :)
16.) who can i trust: pulle
17.) last kiss: lalalaaaa
18.) last hug: todayy, when reetttta left /:
19.) last thing i ate: vanilla yoghurt :3
20.) last thing i drank: soda streamm
21.) current crush: lälläspyy i won't tell it to jyyy ;)
22.) Who made me laugh last: tv did.
23.) favorite song: many.
24.) am i the jealous type: if i have a reason to be
25.) favorite color: red
26.) who have known the longest: mum
27.) what color shirt am i wearing: white
28.) last time i went to a restaurant: few weeks ago ?
29.) last time i laughed untill crying: hmm
30.) do i want to get married: I DO
31.) have i ever fallen for a friend: yes
32.) if i could go back in time i would : new years eve ? or 19.6.'12
33.) what do i want to be when i grow up: idk :s
34.) would i ever get a tattoo: yup :)
35.) would i ever change my name: hmm
36.) what was my last phone call: i'm not sure :D
37.) what time did i wake up today: ummmm
38) what time did i go to bed last night: 2 o'clock
39.) height: 167 :)
40.) what grade am i in: 9th
41.) have i ever been depressed: maybe
42.) last song i heard: jason derülo - ridin' solo
43.) what is my addiction: food, computer, he
44.) how many siblings do i have: 1
45.) what is my eye colour: green
46.) do i enjoy the outdoors: yes i do
47.) was i ever pushed into a pool: yup
48.) do i wear Bracelets/rings?: bracelets yes
49.) have i ever punched someone: yes
50.) whats my biggest fear: losing someone very important

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