


Rajat kiinni ja miinoja.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 01.05.2009 02:49

From evening to morning
And morning and evening
I wanna drink
Something stronger than a man
From evening to morning
And morning and evening
I wanna drink
'cause that's what I am
Beer, beer
I want beer
From beer I get really drunk
Beer, beer
I need more beer
So much I pass out
For beer I'm working
For beer I'm fighting

Happy May Day / Vappua!

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 28.04.2009 00:46

1. Ajattelitko olla päissäsi tänä vappuna?: pellit kiinni, semmonen vitutus
2. Jos et juo niin miten meinaat juhlistaa?: Juomalla vitusti
3. Kenen kanssa ajattelit riekkua?: Kavereiden tai yksin, ku ei ole enää sitä tiettyä kenen kanssa olis...
4. Missä meinaat kemuta?: Missä sattuu ikinä kierimään
5. Oletko hankkinut jotain vappuhepeneitä?: nääh, paitti viinapulloja pari
6. Meinaatko maskeerata/pukeutua joksikin?: Juopoks
7. No jos meinaat olla päissäsi, mitä juot?: leiskaa ja vähä kukkaa. ehkä jtn vahvempaakin
8. Missä olit viime vappuna?: Putkassa
9. Kenen kanssa silloin olit?: Kavereiden
10. Mitä erikoista viime vappuna tapahtui?: Vittu ei mitää
11. Mikä on paras tapa viettää vappua?: Alkoholi, annosteltuna muutaman litran annoksena illan aikana
12. Haluaisitko olla jossakin muualla vapun, missä nyt todenäköisimmin?: jep, mut turha toive..
13. Haluaisitko olla eri seurassa kuin siinä missä nyt vappusi vietät?: Lue ylempää
14. Mikä on mieleistäsi vappu sapuskaa?: Mikä sattuu vastaan tulemaan
15. Mitä pääasiassa juot vappuisin?: no sitä alkomahoolii?
16. Pidätkö simasta?: nojaa
17. Teetkö/Tekeekö joku kodissasi munkkeja ? : no emt
19. Onko vappu suosikkijuhlia mielestäsi?: nojaa
18. Kuuluuko simassa olla rusinoita?: En kkule välitä paskan vertaa
20. Pukeuduitko viime vappuna jotenkin vappuun sointuvasti?: en
21. Millainen on tämän hetkinen vappuilma?: lämmin
22. Mitä musiikkia meinaat kuunnella vappuna?: perus, ellei vitun 94 pellejä satu porukkaan
23. Koska lähdet vapun viettoon?: Heti, vois pellit kiinni vetää vaikka nyt
24. Hauskaa vappua!: ...

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 28.04.2009 00:11

I have nowhere to escape my sorrow

I wish I could forget it just for a while

That while, I would use for enjoying life

Which I am unable to do now

I know I should try to get rid of this

But ever phace like this, hurts more and more

But by every phace like this I beging to enjoy this

Enjoy this wicked pain

I am mentaly broken

I feel pain inside

I enjoy it

I begin to love it

I'm getting so used to this

It doesn't matter anymore

I'm dead inside

If this continues

I will be dead, completely.

That is where I find the peace

Atleast I'm afraid so.

Searching for other route

In vain

For years I have tried

Every time leading to this same spot.

Hate it.

It is my fault

I hate myself.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 26.04.2009 02:05

This week has been weird...

Things I've seen in dreams have happened the day after.

Things I wonder have happened at the day after.

Hehe, can't let this take over, could be fatal...

I wonder, if I had done things I've been thinking should I,

What would've happened?

Well, can't know it anymore.

It could've made things better

or worse.

That is all.

x-Japan - I.VPerjantai 24.04.2009 22:30

Needles are piercing through my skin
I'll tell you the feeling what it's like
Is life just all about deception?

Please don't be a part of a fairy tale,
but you're so young to play with thy own will
Should I trade the breath of my life for freedom?

(In the rain) I'm calling you, dear
(To find the way) Can't you see me standing right here?
(Feel my pain) Life's bleeding from fear
(To find its way) I will give it straight from my vein

Needles are piercing through my skin
I don't fear the fucking life

This never meant I can't sit by
They say as if it takes me somewhere
Just let me swallow the faith by injection
Life better be rushing to my head, my love

I've played with this game before to find a piece of my true self!
I'm lost within!

(In the rain) I'm calling you, dear
(To find the way) Can't you see me standing right here?
(Feel my pain) Life's bleeding from fear
(To find its way) I will give it straight from my vein

I'm feeling my pain
Do you feel where it's been
Can you strip with the history of the world,
when it's sad part of life?
Cannot set the shadows fade,
forever fades away

I'm calling you, dear.
Can't you see me standing right here?
Life's bleeding from fear.
I'll give it straight from my vein.

(In the rain) I'm calling you, dear
(To find the way) Can't you see me standing right here?
(Feel my pain) Life's bleeding from fear
(To find its way) I will give it straight from my vein 22.04.2009 16:10

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 22.04.2009 00:13

And so I've said too much and not enough
And so the play is finally at an end
You never had the care to call my bluff,
and so I must be pleased to be your friend
But what then was the purpose of this game?
I never really had a chance to win
It's true, I rather like who I became
But what am I to do with who I've been?
For I may wish to meet myself someday
among the ashes of a fire long dead
To see my shadow there and hear it say
that it was happy with the life it led
What emptiness awaits me? This I fear
Far more than any peril I might face
My purpose in this world became less clear
When you were taken from your cherished place
Within my wishing heart and went your way
So willingly it almost makes me ill
To think it never crossed your mind to stay
Pushes the dagger deep, completes the kill
And yet how much of this was done by me?
Had I the courage would you still have flown?
How sad to think this was not destiny
But my mistake, yet how could I have known?
Now here is my dilemma, as it seems
Do I accept the score that fate has set,
And calmly watch the passing of my dreams
Or do I dare to place another bet
That where the curtain falls another rises
If I am wrong then strike me for my sins
But I believe our acts and thin disguises
Where but a prologue to what now begins