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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

Murrh :/Torstai 15.10.2009 19:33

Today is just pretty fucked up...
My workmate is sick, the 3 sons of my boss and 2 of their friends are running around the house and making everything extremely messy...i had to make everything ready for the dinner tonight...alone...ironed a couple of meter long tablecloth...of course wrinkleing a second after i ironed it...made the table beautifully...cleaned the half house again...made the guestroom ready for my bosses mom, who is arriving today...straight from Danmark... (The whole freaking family is here...)
Now the only thing i have to be worried is that how the hell will I serve and take care about everything alone...soup, maincourse, dessert, redwine, whitewine, water, coke...up and down...running like some headless chicken...phyh... I have 1,5 h to chill still thou...

HappinessKeskiviikko 07.10.2009 00:29

Since last thursday...thanks for IRC-galleria, my life turned to be happy and amazing... The last few days became the most perfect days of my life...the world seems more beauty now and i'm looking forward to the future more happier... Awww...

Today in short words: waking up and delicious lunch...eating and watching Undead...picking up my repaired shoes, buying incence-sticks, drinking a chai-latte, searching for a hat, laughing a lot, searching for neuletakki and hair straightener, checking wii games, drinking some white-chocolate frappé...getting home...and going to sleep... :)

Hah....i never wrote blog before, this is funny^^
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »