


and i always sleep with my guns when you're gone

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

2. Favorite Character

Alistair 4ever. Vaikka olikin säälittävä ruikuttaja jätti miun maagin koska YHYYY EMME VOI SAADA NORMAALEJA LAPSIA JA MINUN TÄYTYY TEHDÄ KRUUNUNPERILLINEN, oh shut up bitch D,,,:< (Oon katkera.) Mut en voi vaan olla vihainen sille koska awwwwwww Alistair.

Sit lisäksi:

Isabelaaaaa ;3;

Anders ja heikkouteni vastarintaliikkeiden taistelijoihin D,:

VARRIC, Varric on ihana! Paras kääpiö ikinä!

Morrigan! :'o

3. Least Favorite Character
4. Favorite Love Interest
5. Least Favorite Love Interest
6. Your Warden's Story
7. Favorite Quest
8. Least Favorite Quest
9. Favorite Class
10. Favorite Party Banter
11. Favorite Song from the Soundtracks.
12. OTP
13. Mages or Templars?
14. Character you wish was a romance option.
15. Your Favorite "Bro"
16. Your Ultimate Team From All Games
17. Favorite Origins Story
18. Character You Are Most Like
19. Character Who'd be Your Best Friend
20. Character You Wouldn't Get Along With
21. Favorite Villain
22. Favorite NPC
23. Scene You Wish You Could Change the Outcome of the Most
24. Most Shocking Scene
25. Scene That Made You Cry
26. Crack OTP
27. Best Part of the Games
28. Worst Part of the Games
29. If you Made a Deal With a Demon What Would Your Bargain Be?
30. Hopes for Dragon Age 3

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