


A rabbit hearted girl, frozen in the headlights

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REETTA TULEE TÄNÄÄ!Sunnuntai 16.10.2011 16:34

Lol me kuollaan fanityttöilyyn.


My revolution thoughtsLauantai 15.10.2011 05:42

You wanted good schools
And friends with pools
You're not a Contra
You wanted Rock' n' Roll,
Complete control
Well, I don't know

Never pick sides
Never choose between two
But I just wanted you
Never pick sides
Never choose between two
But I just wanted you

Tell me we both matter, don't we?Tiistai 11.10.2011 00:39

C'mon, baby, c'mon, c'mon, darling,
Let me steal this moment from you now.
C'mon, angel, c'mon, c'mon, darling,
Let's exchange the experience, oh...

And if I only could,
Make a deal with God,
And get him to swap our places,
Be running up that road,
Be running up that hill,
With no problems

Please go the fuck to sleepMaanantai 10.10.2011 02:04

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...If only you´d let me.
Ei mutta, mä tarvitsen tuon kirjan elämääni.

I used to be the bright oneLauantai 08.10.2011 04:11

Can't you just fix it for me, it's gone berserk
fuck I'll give you anything if
you can make the damn thing work

Can't you just fix it for me, I´ll pay you well,
fuck I´ll pay you anything
if you can end this
hello, I love you would you tell me your name?
hello, I'm good for nothing - will you love me just the same?
I am done with my graceless heart
So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart
Cause I like to keep my issues strong
It's always darkest before the dawn

-Sunnuntai 02.10.2011 04:44


Luojan kiitos.

Miinus pornoSunnuntai 02.10.2011 03:07

You know how I'm gonna deal? I'm gonna stuff my pie hole. I'm gonna drink. And I'm gonna watch some Asian cartoon porn and act like the world's about to explode because it is.

Today the Doctor diesLauantai 01.10.2011 22:12

Tick tock goes the clock
And what now shall we play?
Tick tock goes the clock
Now summer’s gone away?

Tick tock goes the clock
And what then shall we see?
Tick tock until the day
That thou shalt marry me

Tick tock goes the clock
And all the years they fly
Tick tock and all too soon
You and I must die

Tick tock goes the clock
We laughed at fate and mourned her
Tick tock goes the clock
Even for the Doctor

Tick tock goes the clock
He cradled her and he rocked her
Tick tock goes the clock
Even for the Doctor

Tick tock goes the clock
and oh, how the time flies.
Tick tock, goes the clock
today The Doctor dies.

Stage 1: DenialLauantai 01.10.2011 08:28

Hello cruel world

Lalalalalalaa, en usko mihinkään mitä äsken näin. Lalalaa.
Mä en enää tiedä ajattelenko mä järkevästi vai yritänkö vaan vakuutella itseäni.
"Wings or didn´t happen."
Mut kyl se "special guest star" silti vähä kirpasee.

JEE, nyt voinki sit siirtää ajatukseni huomiseen ja Who:n kauden lopetukseen, se varmasti helpot-

...Joo ei.


Well screw you guys, I´m going home. Tai sitte iha vaa nukkuu.